Butterflies Along Alaska's Hiking Trails



Western White
Pontia occidentalis


western white

The Western White lives in western US and Canada, from New Mexico north through much of Alaska. They live in a many types of open areas-- tundra, prairies, farmlands, and mountain meadows. This one was found in south Anchorage, in a field full of mustards and other wildflowers. Caterpillars feed on mustards. Adults nectar on a variety of flowers. They overwinter as pupae.

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You will find more information on this species of butterfly by clicking here and here.

Click any of the smaller photos for more butterflies found along Southcentral Alaska's hiking trails.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Old World Swallowtail

Phoebus Parnassian

Milbert's Tortoiseshell


old world

phoebus parnassian


Mourning Cloak

Spring Azure

 Silvery Blue

Northern Blue

mourning cloak

spring azure

silvery blue

northern blue thumbnail

Painted Lady

Arctic Skipper

Green Comma

Arctic White

painted lady

arctic skipper

green comma

arctic white

Western White

Creamy Marblewing

 Arctic Fritillary

Mountain Fritillary

western white

large marblewing

arctic fritillary

mountain fritillary

Silver-Bordered Fritillary

Mormon Fritillary

Palaeno Sulphur

Clouded Sulphur

silver-bordered frit

mormon frit

Palaeno Sulphur

common sulphur

Ross's Alpine

Field Crescent

Arctic (Ross's) Alpine